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About  Us

We believe in giving-back as our Lord has instructed us. As you enter the gates of “Promise Land Outdoors”, it is our prayer you become more aware of God’s love for every individual visiting as well as a greater knowledge of His teachings.

Lodging facilities are located on this historic 1860’s multi-generational cattle-working ranch in Goliad, Texas.  The spring-fed “18-Mile Creek” has offered abundant fish to be caught in peaceful clear waters, even today.

As we sit among heavily wooded old oaks, we remember how Jesus taught timeless parables among the trees as well. We too, strive to offer Christian growth in our Lord’s Word out among nature. Combining a closer relationship with God and offering many outdoor and sporting activities available PLO helps create memorable, life-time opportunities for everyone!

Fishing, hunting, hiking, horseback riding, camping and kayaking are skillfully offered by our caring, trained, teams where Biblical Principals are always present.


Our Mission

Using nature and the outdoors to deepen relationships with the Lord, families, and friends.

Our Mission
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Our Vision

Growing the Kingdom of Heaven through salvation as well as preserving and passing on the  respect and knowledge of HIS Creation through nature.

Job 12:7-10

7.“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;

8. or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.

9. Which of all these does not know  that the hand of the Lord has done this?

10. In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

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Phone: 361-550-8125

Tax ID #: 84-1932943

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